We all need good strong bones. They play a very important part of our anatomy. Without healthy bones, we cannot be as physically strong as we should. There are a few common conditions of the bone that homeopathy can help with very much. So let’s explore our bones!
Any medical term that has osteo as a part of it refers to the bones. Bones have organic and inorganic compounds. Its organic components include the cells, osteocytes, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, plus osteoid which form about 35% of the bone's compounds. Integral to this matrix is collagen which holds the bone together and helps gives it its strength and flexibility. Healthy bone is half as strong as steel in resisting compression and equal to steel in resisting tension.
Inorganic compounds make up the other 65% of bone. They are mainly calcium salts, most predominantly Calcium Phosphate. These salts form tiny crystals that are held together with the collagen and create density in bone. Because bone salts remain long after dea...
When receiving cases, the homeopath listens and observes without prejudice. Often, this is a time that the client will share more about themselves than at any other time in their life. Aside from psychotherapy, there are few other modalities that ask the client to speak so much about themselves. This requires a safe place and great trust. The homeopath must earn this by listening intently and never judging the client's suffering.
Our job as homeopaths requires us to determine what is asking to be healed. Often, this is somewhat different from how the client sees themselves. As we determine what is asking to be healed, it often seems as if we must hold some judgment about the client’s sufferings. This is true in a sense. Many times, it is the seemingly inconsequential things they may report that will lead us to the remedy.
After their case has been given, I find that the person is in a very vulnerable place. They have probably shared something they have never told another person in th...
One of the biggest hurdles I see my students having to overcome is hearing the case simply for what it is. It is very easy to get hooked into the person's story and want to extract many rubrics from the details. But this is the very act that keeps the homeopath from "seeing" the case clearly.
I often speak about getting to the understanding of what is asking to be healed. Without this understanding of the case, the very best selected rubrics and remedies may surely lead to failure. It is only when we fully understand where the vital force is disturbed that we can find the remedy that is best for the case.
The vital force is responsible for ALL expressions in a person's life; not just the symptoms of their suffering. Sometimes the details of the physical suffering taking place become the entire focus and we end up missing a bigger picture of the disease that is staring us in the face. When a person gives their case, they will often talk about many things seemingly unrelated to the dis...
No one likes to be sick. Everyone wants to feel better. Suffering is common to every person on the planet. No one ever gets away without suffering. Everyone has a reason for their suffering. It is not without cause and an opportunity to heal. Everyone has an expectation about their healing, including the treating homeopath. But what we see and how people heal is not always what they or the homeopath wants. The bottom line is, we do not get to choose how, or even if, healing will occur.
If this is the case, then why would anyone ever want to be a homeopath or embark on a homeopathic healing journey? Because we see miracles often and healing does happen. It just may not appear as we might think.
Most people who have been raised in western society have been indoctrinated into the drug, surgery, or radiation model of treatment. Assuming the person takes a drug or has a surgery, the expectation is that the suffering will end and the person will heal. Increasingly, it seems that the expect...
One of the most common concerns of parents is when their child has a fever and does not feel well. Usually, this is the first sign of an illness and the parents want their children’s temperature to return to normal. They often have acetaminophen and give it to their child routinely to lower the fever. But this is not always the best course of action. Fever is the body’s natural defense and, if understood, can be worked with and not suppressed for the best and healthiest response to illness.
Fever is controlled hyperthermia. Most often it results from an infection somewhere in the body but may be caused by other conditions as well (cancer, allergic reactions, central nervous system reactions). White blood cells, injured tissues, and macrophages release pyrogens that act directly on the hypothalamus causing it to release prostaglandins. The prostaglandins, in turn, cause the hypothalamic thermostat to reset to a higher temperature initiating heat-promoting mechanisms of the body. As a r...
One of the greatest challenges for homeopaths is to treat a family member or someone very close to them. It seems we have our greatest prejudices with those we are most familiar with.
When we know someone very intimately, it seems that because we know them better than others it would be easier for us as homeopaths to treat them. This is quite contrary to what really happens. Our familiarity can create a prejudice that is very hard to overcome. Treating family can be a real exercise in letting go of our preconceived ideas. It is not always easy though.
Knowing someone so intimately is like wearing colored glasses that we did not know we had on. Everything about the person seems familiar. We may have come to accept them just as they are. The little gestures or ways of thinking become second nature for us but can be challenging to see when we put our homeopaths' hat on.
We must be very diligent and fine-tune our awareness when treating family members. We must consciously take off our c...
One of the most common questions I get asked is, "Is there a remedy for (insert disease)?" And lately, I've been hearing, "Is there a remedy for the coronavirus?" because we do in fact have remedies that when prescribed acutely or in an emergency are remedies that have a very allopathic reason for giving them. But anytime there is a chronic condition or an infection that has been diagnosed by identifying the bacteria or virus, then the general symptoms become a part of the person's expression of dis-ease and it is no longer appropriate to give a remedy based on the acute symptoms or diagnosis only.
Every expression of dis-ease is an expression of the vital force. Hahnemann says in Aphorism 9 of the Organon, "In the healthy condition of man, the spiritual vital force, the dynamis that animates the material body, rules with unbounded sway, and retains all the parts of the organism in admirable, harmonious, vital operation, as regards both sensations and functions, so that our indwelling...
Susceptibility is the reason homeopathy works. It is also the expression of the vital force to respond to our environment and, through susceptibility, bring symptoms to the surface. Once these symptoms become known, produced by a discord in the vital force, then we have what is described as dis-ease.
It is helpful to keep this in mind as we consider all of the news about the novel coronavirus. We are exposed to germs, bacteria, and viruses daily in life. As long as this expression of the vital force reflects our true spiritual nature, we call this health. Hahnemann in Aphorism 9 described the vital force as ruling with unbounded sway and keeping the organism in admirable, harmonious operation for the benefit of the higher purposes of our existence.
Hahnemann goes on to explain in Aphorism 12 that it is only the morbidly affected vital force alone that produces disease. Now, this may come in stark opposition to the virus theory of disease. But if you consider that the virus can alter ...
One of the most basic habits a homeopath needs to develop is proper case recording. This is an essential tool necessary for good case management and being able to share your cases. Making this procedure a habit will make all of your cases better and improve your ability to help your client.
Every case begins before the client even arrives. There is an energy that builds as the client comes to the appointment. It can even start days before. This is something that the client will experience. They will bring this with them as they walk through the door. This is when the case begins for the homeopath. Often, this initial meeting will be the most important part of the case. Pay close attention and as you begin to take your first notes for the case, include any remarks or gestures made during this time.
I have my clients fill out a brief information form while they sit before me. This allows me to observe them and gather some vital information about them. The form is simple and is not a fu...
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