Online Homeopathy Study

The first ever online homeopathy training course

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Resonance School of Homeopathy offers a new way to study homeopathy from your home. Our distance learning Homeopathy course will allow you to study from your computer, at your leisure, and in the privacy of your own home, or anywhere else you have a high-speed internet connection. This is the first and only program of its kind offered from any homeopathy school. This is not a correspondence homeopathy course. All classes are recorded and edited for easy viewing and made available through our online homeopathy course.

At your convenience, you can watch the videos and learn homeopathy from real cases and follow-ups. And each month, classes will be released along with a study guide. This is the best way to learn homeopathy; learning by doing. All students will have the opportunity to refine their case taking skills and prescriptions. You will learn firsthand about homeopathic remedies and how to apply them.

This course is the first ever online homeopathy training course. Other schools offer correspondence courses with a lot of written material and no guidance. This course will allow you to see the patient and the surrounding lecture giving you the understanding of how to apply homeopathic principles.

We are training practicing homeopaths, not just teaching homeopathic theory.

Most people are looking for a homeopathy-training course that will lead them to licensing or certification. All training through Resonance School of Homeopathy is qualified education for licensing and certification by the Nevada Homeopathic Medical Board and NASH a national organization representing the homeopathic profession. Resonance School of Homeopathy is not a licensing or certifying agency. You will receive a Certificate of Completion of Hours in Homeopathic Education that can be used to apply to the licensing or certification organization necessary for your state or national certifications. You can learn more about Licensing and Certification here.

What makes Resonance School of Homeopathy unique is that all classes include live case-taking and follow-ups. You will learn by doing right from the start. Begin learning case-taking skills today.

Important Details

  • Classes are ongoing and can be started anytime.
  • Resonance School of Homeopathy is VERY content rich. There are hundreds of new client cases and follow-ups to work on as you hone your skills of becoming a homeopath. This is where you will gain the experience necessary to have confidence and go out into the world and be the best homeopath you can be. Plus you can study and participate from your home without the need to travel from anywhere in the world.

You can be studying homeopathy within minutes of your enrollment.

  • The school meets LIVE via Zoom one weekend per month. There will be a minimum of 4 new client cases and 14 follow-ups plus class discussion each weekend. All Zoom classes are recorded and made permanently available for viewing once they are processed.
  • The school also meets one evening per month for a LIVE Tele-seminar/student only Zoom meeting. This is where all aspects of homeopathy are discussed and students can get all of their questions answered. It’s the student’s way to stay connected to your path of becoming a homeopath. All previous tele-seminars/zoom student only meetings are posted once they are processed. There are hundreds of previous student Tele-seminar/ student only meetings available. There are thousands of learning opportunities here.
  • Each month a new session of a prerecorded monthly class is released. This is an ongoing succession of previous classes that have been edited for easy viewing. These can be accessed anytime after their release. A minimum of 4 new Client cases are in each monthly release. This includes follow-ups to previously viewed cases and all class discussions. This is like a second monthly class that’s always available.
  • Each monthly release will have a study guide and assignments.
  • All students will have the opportunity to refine their case receiving skills and prescriptions while learning remedy essences and case management skills.
  • Learn firsthand about homeopathic remedies and how to apply them.
  • Learn firsthand how to “see” the case and think homeopathically.
  • Spiritual aspects of health and disease are discussed regularly.
  • The aspects of “why we get sick, the way we get sick” are discussed through New German Medicine perspectives.
  • Students are encouraged to work on cases outside of the class with people they are comfortable working with (friends, family, etc). Robert Field will happily mentor the student if the student is not representing themselves as a professional (charging money). There is no additional charge to help the student with this as this is considered to be a part of mentor-ship. Read our blog about the importance of mentorship here.
  • Tuition is based on a one year enrollment. You must re-enroll for each year of study.
  • One year tuition is $3400 (one time fee), or $295 per month for 12 consecutive months, totaling $3540, payable with a pre-authorized credit card billing. There is a one-time fee of $35 at initial  registration.
  • Most students will find proficiency enabling them to start their professional practice within 4 years.

50% Complete

Two Step

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