In the course of chronic prescribing, many symptoms can appear during an extended time of treatment. One mistake that the homeopath can make is to start chasing symptoms. This can lead to a very confusing picture of the disease and extend healing indefinitely for the client. Here are a few reminders that may help you to avoid this mistake.
When a remedy has been selected, we do not know how the vital force will respond until we are able to observe the response. In the evaluation of the response, it is critical that we understand what is being expressed. Many times, the vital force will produce many symptoms during this healing time and one of the most common mistakes is to try to treat each of them. Often, the client will come and beg for a remedy for the symptom. It is imperative we understand what is happening before we treat any symptom.
One possibility is a return of the old symptom and we commonly call this the aggravation. If the aggravation is mild and there is not too much su...
It helps to have a guide when receiving cases. It is easy to get lost in the process and miss a valuable opportunity to get to really know about your client. The hardest part is being an unprejudiced observer. It is so easy to fall into the trap of thinking we know something that may or may not be true for our client. I find that letting go and asking for divine help to be the fastest way to get out of my own way. It is the most effective way to release our prejudice.
Here is a list of points to remember during the case. Following this will help greatly so you will not miss anything your client offers. Your clarity will be the difference between a perfect prescription and failure. The key is getting out of our own way.Â
Case Receiving Protocol
As a homeopath, I am often asked to help treat an ailing animal. Prescribing for an animal is not a lot different from prescribing for humans but being able to have a conversation to understand them is different indeed.
I have found that the more domesticated and the closer an animal lives to humans, the more mental symptoms are recognized. This is because as animals live in close proximity to humans and their caretakers, their personalities and subtle moods are noticed more. Most pet owners of cats and dogs, in particular, have much to say about their animals. It is important to listen to their story about the animal to understand their mental, emotional, and physical states. Use any diagnostic evaluations from veterinarians in helping you understand the physical illness. If an illness is diagnosed, it will be very helpful in selecting a remedy that has an organ affinity to their condition.
Horse owners also know their animals well and can tell you a lot about the temperament as wel...
Every now and again, homeopaths will have a client that is non-compliant. They will not follow recommendations and even some will want to seemingly do battle with you. Here are a few pointers to handle this type of client.
First and foremost, recognize that non-compliance is a part of the client's case. It is a statement of their vital force and how they are responding to their world. For example, refusing to follow recommendations about avoiding coffee is probably the most common form of non-compliance. But there can be other ways that the client can be non-compliant that may be much more serious.
Sometimes your client will refuse to take the remedy. I see this most often when a client is following doctors' recommendations and taking drugs. They will take their drug religiously but to them, the remedy seems to be a novelty or, worse yet, something to blame for changes that are happening. Sometimes this may be correct but to blame the remedy without understanding that it is their own...
Treating acute and chronic illnesses requires slightly different approaches. The fundamentals are still the same but sometimes we need to alter our focus on symptoms.
In all case receiving, we are looking for the essence of what is asking to be healed. But in acutes, it often seems as if there is no exciting cause. There always is a reason for our illness but, for some people, they just cannot tell you why. Even good case questioning sometimes falls short. This is when we need to alter our focus and look for what is unique about the person's expression of disease.
Mental symptoms are always helpful and should be used if possible. Those symptoms that are common to any acute illness are not very useful. It is the unique, the strange, rare, and peculiar symptoms that can sometimes make finding the remedy a snap. Always ask about what has changed for the person. Often, it may be only one new mental symptom that can be used. It can make the field of remedy choices much smaller if it is ex...
We all need good strong bones. They play a very important part of our anatomy. Without healthy bones, we cannot be as physically strong as we should. There are a few common conditions of the bone that homeopathy can help with very much. So let’s explore our bones!
Any medical term that has osteo as a part of it refers to the bones. Bones have organic and inorganic compounds. Its organic components include the cells, osteocytes, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, plus osteoid which form about 35% of the bone's compounds. Integral to this matrix is collagen which holds the bone together and helps gives it its strength and flexibility. Healthy bone is half as strong as steel in resisting compression and equal to steel in resisting tension.
Inorganic compounds make up the other 65% of bone. They are mainly calcium salts, most predominantly Calcium Phosphate. These salts form tiny crystals that are held together with the collagen and create density in bone. Because bone salts remain long after dea...
One of the most common concerns of parents is when their child has a fever and does not feel well. Usually, this is the first sign of an illness and the parents want their children’s temperature to return to normal. They often have acetaminophen and give it to their child routinely to lower the fever. But this is not always the best course of action. Fever is the body’s natural defense and, if understood, can be worked with and not suppressed for the best and healthiest response to illness.
Fever is controlled hyperthermia. Most often it results from an infection somewhere in the body but may be caused by other conditions as well (cancer, allergic reactions, central nervous system reactions). White blood cells, injured tissues, and macrophages release pyrogens that act directly on the hypothalamus causing it to release prostaglandins. The prostaglandins, in turn, cause the hypothalamic thermostat to reset to a higher temperature initiating heat-promoting mechanisms of the body. As a r...
One of the most basic habits a homeopath needs to develop is proper case recording. This is an essential tool necessary for good case management and being able to share your cases. Making this procedure a habit will make all of your cases better and improve your ability to help your client.
Every case begins before the client even arrives. There is an energy that builds as the client comes to the appointment. It can even start days before. This is something that the client will experience. They will bring this with them as they walk through the door. This is when the case begins for the homeopath. Often, this initial meeting will be the most important part of the case. Pay close attention and as you begin to take your first notes for the case, include any remarks or gestures made during this time.
I have my clients fill out a brief information form while they sit before me. This allows me to observe them and gather some vital information about them. The form is simple and is not a fu...
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