Homeopathy Tips Newsletter

Vibrational Healing in Homeopathy

I came across this quote from Abraham-Hicks and thought it summed up pretty well the reality of our existence and how homeopathy works as well.

     "You live in a pulsating, vibrating Universe of advanced harmonics. Everything that exists, in your air, in your dirt, in your water, and in your body, is vibration in motion—and all of it is managed by the powerful Law of Attraction. There is nothing that exists outside of this vibrational nature, and as you learn to accept your vibrational nature, and begin to consciously utilize your emotional vibrational indicators, you will gain conscious control of your personal creations and of the outcomes of your life experience."   Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"

      In Aphorism 9 of the Organon, Hahnemann says, " In the healthy condition of man, the spiritual vital force (autocracy), the dynamis that animates the material body, rules with unbounded sway, and retains al...

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Who is the Homeopath?

Sometimes it is easy to get lost in our "role" as healthcare providers and miss the bigger task at hand. There is a model I teach all of my students that I want to share with all of you that helps define who we are as homeopaths.

     Every science is based on a primary assumption. The primary assumption in homeopathy is there is a vital force that is non-material; spiritual. If we recognize this as the foundation for our healing art then a spiritual model becomes necessary for a greater understanding of our part as the homeopath. 

     Another assumption is that there is a creative energy animating and bringing all things into existence. This creator we have historically given the name G-d. So if G-d is creating all things then I (homeopath) and my client (suffering client) are an extension of G-d's creation. In essence, there is really no separation other than our ego identification of self (Hi, I'm Robert. I'm a homeopath. You must be the patient). I personally do not like the wor...

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Approaching Death With Homeopathy

As homeopaths, our highest goal is to cure in a gentle way without causing harm. Many times we see miracles of healing. To expect to save a life is a very real expectation for homeopaths. Yet we do not get to choose the length of a person's life or whether they heal or not. Even the best of homeopathy may not always save a life. How then do we treat a person when death is approaching?

There are really only two ways that death comes to visit us; suddenly by trauma or slower as a result of dis-ease. When we are involved in a trauma that is life-threatening always give remedies based on the trauma. If it is not the person's time to leave their life then all attempts to save their life will be utilized by the vital force. Since we do not get to choose it is always best to continue to treat until death does occur. The remedy that may help the best will be for the trauma.

The other way that death can approach is when dis-ease has finally brought the person to their end days. This is a diff...

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Heilkunst, or Organon of the Art of Holy Healing in Homeopathy

All of us in the English-speaking world know that Hahnemann's Organon of Medicine is the bible for the practice of homeopathy. The unfortunate thing we do not appreciate is that the Organon was written in German and has been translated into English. Much has been lost in these translations. I have a copy of Hahnemann's Organon der Heilkunst written in German and after a very good question posed by one of my students have investigated its true meaning.

     Heilig in German translates to "spiritual" or "holy". Heilen translates to "healing".  Kunst translates to "art". So the best translation may be close to "spiritual or holy healing art". It is far more than just "healing art". Other translations I have read are "art of salvation or holiness".

It is no accident that Hahnemann chose this as the title for his life's work. He was very precise with his words. He understood the real meaning of health, disease, and cure. Many times he uses the word spiritual in his aphorisms. Most of the ...

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Why I Love Homeopathy

Twice monthly I write a bit about something that is hopefully useful for you about homeopathy. In this blog, I have been pondering on what to write about and I decided to share a little about myself and why I love homeopathy. Hopefully, you will benefit from this as well.

For me, homeopathy is all about people and other living things; really about the vital force.           I LOVE PEOPLE!!      That's the bottom line. Homeopathy helps animals and plants to heal as well, anything with a vital force. But for me, it's all about people. If you want to be a homeopath, you had better really like people or it might be better to find a different profession.

I have clients say to me after telling their whole life story with tears and sobbing "How can you do this all day long, listening to people's miserable lives? Isn't this a depressing job you do?"

My reply is this; "All people suffer. It's simply a fact of life. No one ever comes to this earth and gets away without suffering. Everyone has...

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Changing Remedies in Homeopathic Prescribing

In the course of homeopathic prescribing we often come to a time in the case where it's not very clear what is happening and we are tempted to change the remedy. Sometimes this can be premature. Other times it is the most appropriate thing to do. So the question is, "How do we know when it is time to change the remedy?".

After taking the case and giving the remedy the next important step is the first follow-up. At this time it is necessary to determine if the remedy has worked. The best way to determine this is by looking for ways that there is movement in the case. How have things started to change? Has there been any shift in their mental state?  The one thing I hear consistently is that there is a greater sense of well-being. This shift I notice in almost every case. Look for a movement that the vital force is responding to and a shift is occurring. Sometimes it's as simple as seeing the ways that the little things in their life are easier.

If this movement is still happening I us...

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Homeopathic Education

I get many questions about the study of Homeopathy and what is the best approach. I think it could be an individual preference but after training homeopaths over the last 21 years I have found that there are a few things about homeopathic education that really work. I would like to share them with you.

I have found that if a person wants to be a professional homeopath, seeing clients on a daily basis, they must really love people and being around them. This may sound a bit absurd at first. After all, isn't the job of the homeopath to be around people and help them? Yes, but you might be surprised at how many students I have talked with that have spent 3 years at some other homeopathic school and have never taken a case or spent time with clients. When they were finally introduced to a new client case they were surprised at their own reaction. I have heard everything from fear in front of the client because they did not have confidence in being a homeopath because they have never done ...

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