Winter is here, along with the arrival of cold weather in the Northern Hemisphere. And with all of the cold weather, it is imperative to protect yourself during this time of year. If a person does not have adequate shelter, they could die of exposure. If they were lucky, they may only suffer from hypothermia, a severe loss of body heat. This can occur after prolonged exposure in water that is cooler than the body temperature or exposure to cold air.
When hypothermia sets in, there is a general confusion in thinking. At first, it seems that ordinary tasks take longer and coordination begins to be compromised. If a person does not get warm soon, more severe confusion begins and decision making will be next to impossible. At this stage, the mind will not serve us very well. After the uncontrollable shaking subsides, the person will often feel very warm and want to take off any protective clothing. At this point, death is eminent unless help arrives soon.
Many people do survive extreme e...
Complex interactions between hormones are responsible for the onset of menstruation in puberty. These interactions are also responsible for the rhythms and duration of the menstrual cycles during reproductive years and the end of menstruation at menopause. The hypothalamus gland is the start for hormonal control sending gonadotropin to the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland releases luteinizing hormones and follicle-stimulating hormones to the ovaries. The ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone which ultimately control menstruation.
Many things can influence the hormonal cycles. There are many chemicals in our environment now that mimic hormones in our bodies. They can be found in foods, plastics, insecticides, and a host of other things. Hormones are also influenced by emotions. How we respond to the challenges and successes in our lives directly affects our hormones. In this complex world we live in, it is not surprising that there are many difficulties with menstruation. I vie...
With the warmer weather, flowers of every kind can be found around cities and blooming in people's yards. It is really quite beautiful and my favorite time of year. But with this comes the insects to pollinate these plants and other creatures that can bite and sting us. It is always a good idea to have some good remedies available in the event you or someone you know is suffering from a bite or sting.
Anaphylactic shock is the greatest worry for someone having an allergic reaction to a poisonous bite or sting. This is most common after a bee or wasp sting. It is sudden, severe, and possibly fatal if not treated appropriately. Once a person has developed an allergy to the venom, their reaction usually becomes more acute with each reaction.
Symptoms of anaphylactic shock could include an immediate drop in blood pressure, fainting, hives, itching in any part of the body especially ears, mouth and throat, mental confusion, and rapid swelling of the affected part.Â
The allopathic treatme...
It is not often that we encounter bites from animals but when we do, they can be painful and cause serious complications if left untreated. This week, let's discuss the bites of non-poisonous animals, and next week we will get into more about bites and stings!
Most animal bites, including human bites, often involve puncture wounds. The most common bites are from dogs, less frequent are cat bites and human bites. Rarely do bites from larger animals happen but if they do, they can be life-threatening and serious, particularly due to the size of the bite and strength of the animal. If they do occur, they may possibly be fatal. Consider the bite of the alligator, crocodile, shark, or any other toothed creatures of significant size. If a bite happens that is non-fatal, hospitalization is nearly always necessary to save a life.
The mouths of animals are the dirtiest place of the animal including humans. Bites tend to become infected quickly and should always be treated by first aid or hosp...
Intercurrent remedies are remedies used with a particular intention to help open up or clear a confusing case. Sometimes in the course of treatment, a case may stall even with the best-selected remedies. At times like this, intercurrent remedies can be helpful.
I find that the most common application for giving an intercurrent remedy is for when a case has become confused, either by giving too many remedies or there has been too much suppression from allopathic drugs. At times like this, giving an intercurrent remedy can be helpful. The case can then be better defined. New expressions of old symptoms can appear and it becomes easier to "see the case."
When a case has had good movement and then seemingly stalls, most often it is an issue of potency. But sometimes it is that the remedy has stopped working and any potency does not seem to help. At a time when the movement has stopped, giving an intercurrent remedy can be helpful.
At other times, an intercurrent remedy may be given to o...
Homeopathic remedies are potentized energetic solutions either administered through drops or medicated to milk sugar pellets. They must be handled appropriately for them to maintain their energy and effectiveness. If a remedy is stored properly, it can remain potent and effective for many decades.
Remedies are sensitive to strong sunlight and should be stored in a dark glass bottle out of direct sunlight. Under normal room lighting, they can remain unaffected. Try to avoid opening the bottle and taking remedies in direct sunlight. Always close the bottle tightly after use. Because the remedies are energetic, they need to be protected from other energetic sources.
Remedies should not be stored anywhere near strong electromagnetic fields, x-rays, or microwave radiations. These can affect a remedy through the bottle. Keep remedies at least one foot from all electrical cords or small appliances such as lights. Appliances such as microwave ovens should be avoided and the remedy stored at ...
We have 37 acids in our Materia Medica that have wonderful uses in homeopathy. Let's explore what’s common about all of the acid remedies and learn a little more about a few of them.
The acid remedies all have a common theme; a person being worn out. All acids will burn and eventually will burn through substances. In the same way, the acid remedies are for those individuals that are burnt out. There is a certain self-destructiveness to these remedies.
There are many ways this burnt-out state can appear. It could be from too much work over an extended period of time. It could be from too much mental activity, too much sex, too much travel. The person does not seem to have a limit on the pattern of the self-destructiveness. Eventually, it leads to the complete breakdown of the system, either mentally, emotionally, physically, or all of the above together. Any number of things can add up to a depleted state for the person and the acid remedies are potential remedies for helping the pers...
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